Skills, Scalpels and Robots: The Surgeon as Technician.
In: Philosophy of Medicine, 2:1, p. 1-12, 2021.
Therapeutic Relationship and Scientific Experimentation: Technical Activity in Surgery
24th-26th May 2018 Paris, France. Held at the conference “4èmes Journées sur l’Épistémologie Historique. L’épistémologie historique et les désunités des sciences, 24-25-26 Mai.” École Doctorale de Philosophie ED 280 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Institut des Sciences Juridique & Philosophique de la Sorbonne UMR 8103 CNRS, Centre de Philosophie Contemporaine de la Sorbonne, (with X. Muller).
Narrative Norms in Sickness: The Physician as an Exegete
7th-10th August 2019 Oslo, Norway. Conference “Philosophy and Ethics at the Edge of Medicine” European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care, (with X. Muller).